Vespa Blogger Award Friendship
omaygat omaygat. gue dapet AWARD!! *it's my verrrry first time
awalnya dikasi sama my Baby Bee, trus dikasi lagi sama Haniiin my Babe. *guys, LOVE YA!
aturannya sih gue mesti ngasih award ini ke 7 temen lagi. tapi 2 orang yang ngasih gue tadi cuma ngasih ke 4 orang. nahh, gue lebih parah lagi. gue bakal ngasih ke 1 orang sajaaa. hehehe
and the award goes to......
*eng ing eng
PUTRI ANDAM -- my hunny bunny buddy
take this award and put on your blog yaa, pyut!
here they are the message from the owner:
1. Put the logo on your blog
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4. Add links to those blogs on yours
5. Leave a message for your nominees on their blog
I'm Single and Very Happy (they said)
Aku baik-baik saja. Menikmati hidup yang aku punya.
YES, I'M DARN FINE. hidup cuma sekali, rugi banget kalo ngga dinikmatin.
Berteman dengan siapa saja. I’m single and very happy.
ngga juga. masa iya lu mau temenan sama om-om girang ato pecandu sabu? i'm not the person.
Mengejar mimpi-mimpi indah. Bebas lakukan yang aku suka.
i'm a DREAMER. tukang ngayal. tentunya punya mimpi segambreng *grin*
Hidupku sangat sempurna. I’m single and very happy.
YES, I'M SINGLE. AND VERY HAPPY. tapi bukan SENENG karna SINGLE. gue seneng sama hidup gue dengan berbagai plus minusnya terlepas dari single atau pun taken. just cherish what you have now. tapi gue yakin hidup gue belom lengkap tanpa Mr Right.. *big grin*
Minuet in G - Ludwig van Beethoven
finally i got Beethoven's Minuet in G for next week homework!
maklum, lagi suka-sukanya nih gue. padahal duluu, lagu ini termasuk lagu yang jarang tersentuh di playlist. tapi someday, somehow gue tiba-tiba nyenandungin ni lagu tapi gue lupa lagu apa. setelah di-recall-recall, baru gue ngeh si Minuet ini. coba dengerin deh.
Beethoven Minuet in G - Beethoven Dude
tapi betenyaaaa, fingering lagu ini rada ribet!
kalo istilah Miss Joy, "lagunya ga mau diputusin". nah loh.
okay Minuet, try me! *sok iyye
o ya, tadinya gue kira tempo minuet versi yang di atas itu lebih cepet dari aslinya. soalnya dari beberapa versi yang pernah gue denger, semuanya tipe andante. slow-slow gitu. tapi ternyata, tempo aslinya emang allegretto. agak cepet. waduu, makin menantang!
so wish me luck, folks! *grin*
red dot design museum
jadi nih, di museum ini digunakan untuk design exhibition, conferences, atau pun parties. disebut sebagai perwujudan dari penghargaan desain red dot, dan menjadi sebuah lokasi pameran eksklusif untuk para pemenang penghargaan desain red dot. di sinilah produk dan merek-merek mengkomunikasikan keunggulan desain mereka dan membedakan diri dari kalangan rata-rata. museum ini juga memberi orientasi penting terhadap bisnis, profesional desain dan konsumen mengenai apa dan siapa yang menjadi desain terbaik.
Anak-anak (di bawah 12 th): SGD 4.00
did you get my message...?
Oh! I'm into you. And girl, no one else would do,'cause with every kiss and every hug, you make me fall in love...
ran, what's up pal??
Oh! I'm into you. And girl, no one else would do,'cause with every kiss and every hug, you make me fall in love...
yes there is. fill my boredom in, please? the lesson is suck. hehe
-a message sent-
Oh! I'm into you. And girl, no one else would do,'cause with every kiss and every hug, you make me fall in love...
yes i am. so bored, girl. wow, your bro graduated soon? yippie.. so you're gonna go here, huh? give me some treat ok? hahaha.....
-a message sent-
Oh! I'm into you. And girl, no one else would do,'cause with every kiss and every hug, you make me fall in love...
hore...hehe... gossip? what a gossiper! hehe... *** btw, it's rare to see you have a day free.
-a message sent-
Oh! I'm into you. And girl, no one else would do,'cause with every kiss and every hug, you make me fall in love...
yeah. today i'm having a lab work schedule. it's going on until 2 AM, you know! huaaaaaa. tiring, ran. so, when you'll be here? i wanna eating, watching, gasoline, haircutting, karaoke, ALL FREE! hehe...
-a message sent-
Oh! I'm into you. And girl, no one else would do,'cause with every kiss and every hug, you make me fall in love...
-a message sent-
Oh! I'm into you. And girl, no one else would do,'cause with every kiss and every hug, you make me fall in love...
-a message sent-
Oh! I'm into you. And girl, no one else would do,'cause with every kiss and every hug, you make me fall in love...
-a message sent-
Oh! I'm into you. And girl, no one else would do,'cause with every kiss and every hug, you make me fall in love...
-dont talk about him anymore, please? it's been a long time since your last message. why dont we talk about me? and you? oh well..., i got it. just cut it out..-
hey..., did you get my message?
yes, you didn't.
because i didn't send it...
akhirnya abang gue lancar sidangnya.
akhirnya abang gue jadi juga wisuda 18 april.
dan akhirnya nih, rencana jahiliyah gue ngebolos kulia seminggu ke jakarta sebelum ke bandung tanggal 18 kesampean jugaaaaa *berhasil di-acc bokap gue critanya. hihi
anyway, dari januari kemaren gue udah muter kepala mau ngasih kado wisuda apa buat si abang. dan akhirnyaa, gue mantap milih miniatur drum logo The Beatles! here you go..
kenapa drum? abang gue main drum
kenapa beatles? adeknya yang doyan *hahaha
First Post on the Second Blog
welcome me! i'm back to blogging (since aloong time ago. hehe)
but it's blogspot, no wordpress anymore.
dont ask me why.
anyway, i'll try to make this one updated as soon as possible. so, let's see folks!