Vespa Blogger Award Friendship

omaygat omaygat. gue dapet AWARD!! *it's my verrrry first time

awalnya dikasi sama my Baby Bee, trus dikasi lagi sama Haniiin my Babe. *guys, LOVE YA!

aturannya sih gue mesti ngasih award ini ke 7 temen lagi. tapi 2 orang yang ngasih gue tadi cuma ngasih ke 4 orang. nahh, gue lebih parah lagi. gue bakal ngasih ke 1 orang sajaaa. hehehe

and the award goes to......

*eng ing eng

PUTRI ANDAM -- my hunny bunny buddy

take this award and put on your blog yaa, pyut!

here they are the message from the owner:

1. Put the logo on your blog

2. Add a link to the person who awarded you

3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs

4. Add links to those blogs on yours

5. Leave a message for your nominees on their blog

1 babbles:

Anonymous said...

Hey tante..
aq datang...

tengkiyu yap..
terharu ni, jadi the one and only, hehe..

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